Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Days Gone By In Staunton

Stories from the files of the Staunton Star-Times in years gone by.

Thursday, Sept. 13, 1923 -- RECEIVED NEW ENGINES -- The L. & M. railroad during the past week received three new and powerful locomotives of the mikado type, which will be used as motive power for coal and freight trains. Engines of this type are said to cost approximately $50,000 each and have a tractive effort of 55,000 pounds. On level track they are capable of handling 80 to 90 loaded freight cars and in territory where there are sharp curves and grades, they will pull about 65 cars.

FIXING UP ROADS -- Highway commissioner Ed. Mindrup is at present at work oiling up several roads in Staunt...


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