Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Letters to the Editor

Cub Scouts thank


On behalf of Staunton Cub Scout Pack 8034, I am writing to express gratitude for recent help we received from Mr. Danny Russell, Mayor Neuhaus and the City of Staunton, and Travis and everyone at Avid Towing. The Cub Scouts have been a staple of our community for years. The Pack works diligently to engage our scouts and provide them with quality programming while also providing services to our community. As a not-for-profit, we rely heavily on donations. Recently, we have received tremendous support from Mr. Russell, from Mayor Neuhaus and the City, and from Avid Towing.

Mr. Russell has helped our Pack for many years by graciously providing us with a home for our property and equipment. This has been a tremendous benefit to the Pack, and we thank him for it. Mayor Neuhaus and the City of Staunton have worked with the Pack for years and recently provided us with a location to store our equipment shed and trailer. We want to thank the Mayor and the City for their continued support. Lastly, a big thank you to Travis and Avid Towing for donating their time, equipment, and expertise to help move the Scout shed for us. This would have been an expensive and time-consuming task had they not stepped up to assist us. Thank you all for supporting our Pack. We are grateful to share a community with so many generous and helpful individuals.


Jason Steinmeyer,


Staunton Cub Scout Pack 8034


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