Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

National Caregiver Month

On Nov. 1, 2023, the Alzheimer’s Association Illinois Chapter proudly launched National Caregiver Month, a special initiative to recognize and celebrate the remarkable caregivers who provide unwavering support to individuals with Alzhaimer’s and dementia in the state of Ill. This annual event, celebrated throughout Nov., aims to shine a spotlight on the invaluable contributions of caregivers, emphasizing their critical role in the lives of those affected by Alzheimer’s.

Caregivers are the unsung heroes in the fight against Alzheimer’s, and their dedication and compassion make a profound impact on the quality of life for individuals living with this challenging disease. The Alzheimer’s Association Illinois Chapter believers in the power of acknowledging and celebrating these exceptional indiviudals who selflessly care for their loved ones or work tirelessly in professional capacities to support those with alzheimer’s or dementia.

To honor these outstanding caregivers, we are delighted to announce the National Caregiver Awards, which will recognize two distinct categories of caregivers:

Family and Friend Caregiver is a category dedicated to individuals who provide care to a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia within their family or as a friend.

Professional Caregiver is the category open to individuals who work in professional roles to care for those with Alzheimer’s or dementia, including healthcare professionals, caregivers in healthcare facilities, and other related positions.

Nominations for these prestigious awards will be accepted througout the month of Nov., beginning on Nov. 1, 2023, and concluding on Nov. 30, 2023. You can submit your nominaitons online. The selected award will be notified in Jan. of 2024.


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