Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

City to sell property on Union Street

by Kelly Costa

The first reading was given of an ordinance declaring real property on Union Street as surplus property during the Staunton City Council meeting on Monday night.

The property is near other residential properties located off Union Street and is owned by the city. The city has found that the real estate is no longer necessary or profitable to own, so the council feels it is in their best interests to declare the property as surplus and advertise for bids to sell it.

The council will adopt the ordinance at the next regular meeting on Oct. 24, and any bids that are received will be opened at the regular city council meeting on Nov. 14. The successful bidder will receive deed and title to the property.

In other business, alderman Rick Johnson announced that Staunton Meals on Wheels is in need of volunteers to deliver meals to Staunton’s elderly community. To volunteer, please call Lydia Johnson at (618) 315-1725. Just one day a month could be very helpful to ensure everyone who needs a meal will get one. Also, applications for the City Housing Repair Grant are due at city hall by Nov. 18, 2022.

Guest Ross Beckman discussed a water drainage situation at his rental property. Beckman wanted to know if the city was planning to put a culvert in the area to fix the problem. Public Works Director Mike Kuethe said a culvert installation is planned for the area in the next few months.

City Treasurer Cindy Pirok reported that matured certificates of deposit have been cashed at Bank of Hillsboro:

Bond/Interest Fund - $200,000 plus $620.89 interest;

MFT Fund - $200,000 plus $620.89 interest;

Telecommunications Fund - $100,000 plus $310.45 interest;

Water Fund - $100,000 plus $310.45 interest.

In Public Health and Safety, the council approved payment to the police pension fund for the annual contribution amount of $229,257.

In Finance and Claims, the council agreed to pay an invoice for $1,122 from Bruckert, Behme & Long, P.C. for professional services rendered regarding Interstate TIF discussions.

The council voted to transfer $47,000 from the telecommunication fund to the street fund for the purchase of a new mini-excavator as budgeted.

The 2021-2022 Annual Financial Audit for the city of Staunton completed by C.J. Schlosser & Company, LLC, was approved.

In Utilities and Water, the renewal quote with Hach Co. for $13,325 for annual maintenance at the water treatment plant was approved. The starting date is Jan. 1, 2023, and the end date is Dec. 31, 2023.

The council approved purchasing up to $10,000 in additional materials for the Franklin/Hibbard water main project and $15,000 for sidewalks on the same project.

In Street and Sewer, the purchase of a new CAT 304-07 CR Mini Excavator from Altorfer was approved at a purchase price of $52,070. It includes the trade-in of the old excavator at $22,000.

A charity roadblock by the Lions Club was approved to conduct their annual Candy Day sale drive at the intersection of Main Street and Route 4 and Main and Union streets on Oct. 22.

The first readings were given for pre-annexation agreements with Dylan S. Hasse regarding property located at 17320 VFW Road; and with Linda S. Murray and Justin R. Murray regarding property located at 19854 Lakeview Lane.

The first reading was waived and an ordinance was approved for a liquor license for The Junction Café, Inc.

The collector’s report included the following:

Staunton Super 8 Motel - Hotel/Motel Tax $3,040.55;

Staunton Police Department - Ordinance Violations $500; Finger Printing $10;

Southwestern Electric Cooperative - Utility Tax $931.24;

Macoupin County Treasurer - Real Estate Taxes $49,253.44; Real Estate Taxes–Library $6,083.65; Interstate TIF Taxes $483.46; Main Street TIF Taxes $4,361.98;

Staunton Area Ambulance Service - August & September Dispatch Fees $1,000;

State of Illinois - MFT Tax $10,338.02; MFT Renewal Fund $7,722.19; Personal Property Replacement Tax $12,117.34; Sales Tax $63,591.78.

A raffle license was issued to Staunton High School freshman class.

Those present for the meeting were Mayor Craig Neuhaus, City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier, City Treasurer Cindy Pirok, Public Works Director Mike Kuethe, aldermen Rick Johnson, Ryan Machota, John Moore, David Manning, David Dias, and Terry Tipler. Police Chief Jeff Doerr attended electronically. City Attorney Phil Lading and aldermen Chad Plenske and Randy Hanks were absent. The next city council meeting will be on Monday, Oct. 24, at 7 p.m.


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