Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Summer bird walk at Bremer Sanctuary

Would you like a chance to spot a Louisiana waterthrush? Or perhaps a sora? How about a blue-gray gnatcatcher or a northern parula?

Come join the Bremer stewards at 7 a.m. on Saturday, June 4, for the summer bird walk led by resident birder Nancy Redman. During the recent Illinois Natural History Survey Spring Bird Count, Nancy identified 92 individual species on a day-long survey at the sanctuary. In addition to the many common resident species, a variety of vireos, and thrushes were heard or observed. All the local species of woodpeckers were seen as well as hearing the call of the rarely seen pileated woodpecker, which is believed to be nesting in the woodlands across Cress Creek.

Of course, on a 90-minute hike you will not likely see the full variety observed on the day-long bird count, but be prepared to experience a fun morning with an expert birder and educator. Bring your binoculars (some are available for loan), your camera, and favorite reference book. Considering the recent weather, boots or sturdy shoes are advised. Trails may well be muddy in some areas. Coffee and pastries supplied by the stewards will be available in the barn following the hike.

Bremer Wildlife Sanctuary is located one-half mile north of the Montgomery County courthouse off North Road. Follow the lane to the barn for ample parking. The sanctuary is open to the public from dawn to dusk for hiking, observing local flora and fauna, or simply relaxing in a natural setting.


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