Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Appropriations approved

By Kelly Costa During Monday night’s city council meeting, the city council approved Or- dinance #2159 making appropriations for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2022, and ending April 30, 2023.

It includes sums of money appropri- ated for various purposes to conduct the business of the city of Staunton. The salaries and compensation for city employees and appointive officers are included in this ordinance.

In Correspondence, the council granted a request from Staunton Schools to waive the park rental fee for the Staunton Firemen’s Park on Thursday, May 12, for a Fun Day event, in which the 8th grade will participate in miscellaneous games and activities.

In Finance and Claims, the council approved the Retail Electric Supplier Agreement with Mid American Energy Services for energy services for city- owned properties at a rate of .103760 for 36 months..

In Streets and Sewer, two contracts were awarded to Beelman Logistics the first to provide materials for road maintenance (CA-13) for $38,775 and the second to provide materials for road maintenance (CA-6 and CA-7) for $27,459.

The council awarded a contract to Illiana Construction Company to furnish materials for road maintenance (HFRS-2 and seal coat aggregate) for $102,450.

In Personnel, the council approved a wage increase for cur- rent park and recreation employ- ees to $15 per hour effective May 1. A wage increase was approved for the current crossing guard, yard waste site attendant, and janitor to $13 per hour effective May 1.

Approval was given for a 2 1/2 percent pay increase to all other nonunion city employees effective May 1.

A charity roadblock by V.F.W. Post #1241 was approved for May 13 and 14, and a charity roadblock by the Lion’s Club to conduct their annual Tootsie Pop Day sale drive was approved for May 21.

The first reading was given for an ordinance denying a zoning variance for property located at 407 South Hibbard Street. Sara Beth Rae had applied for a variance to construct a 40-foot by 50-foot garage at 407 S. Hibbard. There is no residence on the property.

Resolutions were approved to reappoint the following people to their city positions for the period May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2023: • Dennis Stiegemeier as city collector;

• Gina Verticchio as zoning hearing officer;

• Brad Miller as zoning administrator;

• Mike Kuethe as director of public works;

• Philip J. Lading as city attorney;

• Jeff Doerr as chief of police. The collector's report includes the following:

MJM Electric Cooperative - Utility tax $44.79;

State of Illinois - State use tax $15,245.15; Cannabis use tax $778.29; Video gam- ing tax $9,887.56; Income tax $79,509.43; Telecommunications tax $5,912.52; Staunton Police Dept. - Re- ports $5.

Claims included expenditures of $33,499.51; payroll of $59,567.49; and no manual checks.

Those present for the meeting were Mayor Craig Neuhaus, City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier, Treasurer Cindy Pirok, Public Works Director Mike Kuethe, Police Chief Jeff Doerr, Alder- men Ryan Machota, John Moore, David Manning, and David Dias. City Attorney Phil Lading, and aldermen Rick Johnson and Jeff Scanzoni attended electronically. Aldermen Chad Plenske and Randy Hanks were absent. The next city council meeting will be on Monday, May 9, at 7 p.m.


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