Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

The City Of Staunton Received $800,000 Check For Improved Sewage Infrastructure And Clean Water

Monday, June 17th Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski visited the Staunton Sewage Pump Station and presented Mayor Craig Neuhaus with a check for $800,000 for a sewer force main replacement project. The Funding will be used by the City of Staunton to replace the City of Staunton’s only sanitary sewage pump station. The sanitary sewer force main infrastructure is over 40 years only and upgrades are needed to ensure safety to residents. The mayor explained that without this grant it could be a catastrophe for the City of Staunton. There is only one sewer line in town, and it runs 24 hours a day. When...

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