Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Staunton Police Blotter

Aug. 2, 2022: Vanessa Dobrinich; Expired registration Sticker

Aug. 3, 2022: Dustyn M. Kieffer; Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle, Suspend Revoked Drivers License

Aug. 3, 2022: Peggy Forbes; Expired Registration Sticker, Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle, In-State Warrant

Aug. 4, 2022: Matthew Mitchelar; Suspend Revoked Drivers License, Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle, Cancel Suspend Revoked Registration

Aug. 4, 2022: Garrett W. Kosowski; Muffler Violations

Aug. 7, 2022: Kyle Hartsook; Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle...

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